Maitreya Ishaya

Jeg hadde et godt liv, men hodet mitt var så fullt av tanker at jeg aldri var tilstede nok til å virkelig nyte det. Jeg kjente meg forvirret og stresset samtidig som at jeg hadde på følelsen at det var så mye mer å oppleve. Det var først når jeg fant indre fred at jeg virkelig begynte å nyte livet.

  • 13 års erfaring som «Peace Coach» og meditasjonslærer for The Bright Path
  • Har gjennomført den seks måneder lange retreaten «The Mastery of Self»
  • Har ledet retreater, workshops og holdt taler i mer en 15 land
  • Forfatter av bøkene «The Broker who Broke Free» og «No Rest for the Wicked»
  • Aftenposten og Vårt land har skrevet artikler om Maitreya, og NRK har laget tv om ham i programmet Vendepunkt
  • Jobbet som trader for Merrill Lynch i London og New York
  • Jobbet som offiser i hæren i seks år (Storbritannia)

Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk/norsk

Hva elevene sier om Maitreya

I would first like to thank you Maitreya for the help you have given me over the last few years. You have listened to my questions, helped me when I was going through tough parts of my life, and made me laugh… Being open and loving is a hell of a lot better than being closed and fighting the world ha ha. So for that I give you thanks.

– Clint, England

I have so enjoyed listening to your talks! You speak well and can hold an audience with your sincerity and humour. You describe learning how to meditate very clearly.

– Elizabeth, Scotland

Maitreya you are a true teacher just by your presence. I have have seen so much more of myself that I wasn’t aware of. Your willingness to do whatever it takes, and your passion and love and honesty all wrapped up in a lot of fun is inspirational. Thank you for being you and shinning your light in this world. Thank you for seeing the bigger part of me.

– Sue, England

Moi! I just wanted to say that it was a great weekend here and we were all amazed. You were just what we needed here.

– Toni, Finland

Mind detox has helped me to raise the awareness of deep patterns of thought related to my obesity. And while effectively helped me with my lifestyle change and weight reduction. Recommended! I see more clearly now how much the mind detox and you actually have helped me. Thank you so much Maitreya!

– Stine, Norway

You reminded me to honour everbody’s individual way and right to choose their path. I am aware of the fact that I sometimes can be judgemental and I want to work on this. You have something, what really inspires me: your humbleness… It is a really nice virtue.

– Rachel, Norway

I love your dedication and openness about your struggle and your way out – it makes the Way more credible and accessible for many of us.

– Josefine, Norway

Thanks Maitreya for sharing your stories and inspiring me.

– Maggie, England

Just want to thank you for such a beautiful talk. I really enjoyed it. You are so clear and easy to understand, and listening to you feels like life is easy for a while. I loved it 🙂

– Ingvild

Thank you for a wonderful and inspiring talk yesterday! Having heard you, I know many which would like to hear the same.

– Elin, Norway

The focus on joy and happiness that you brought to this course was stunning. Thanks for bringing that to my life. The way you give and share is beautiful, interesting and authentic. The humbleness and eagerness you communicate awakens hearts. The way you talk about awakening reminds everyone in the room of their true purpose. The courage to talk about awakening in a society that’s asleep takes the heart and soul of a true sage.

– Camilla, Norway

Thank you for sharing and being honest about your «grumpy» mornings, and about how they sort of may be «comforting» or a «dig». For me, my confidence in another person grows when not only the sunny side is shown.

– Josefine, Norway




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